I believe the United States stands on the foundation of three main pillars. I identify these pillars as Freedom of Speech, the right to own property, and the liberty to pursue economic opportunity. Whether large or small, businesses are a valuable asset to each of the communities they reside in. Small businesses have helped to define a community's identity, charm, and character.
Small businesses and entrepreneurs must be able to strive to be better than their competitors. It is important to ensure a business can be either diverse or unique in the market it resides in. Having this type of environment will result in a healthy marketplace. Not to mention well-served and happy customers. Small businesses provide many essential opportunities. Opportunities that have helped large companies become as big as they are today. How many small businesses does Apple or Tesla rely on to manufacture their product?
Businesses that reside in California should have the ability to thrive in our marketplace. California should be one of the most diverse and envied marketplaces in existence.
Sacramento has to stop hurting businesses with laws meant to punish success and innovation. Give the people of California the ability to create a life they believe is worth living for.
Let's move District 28 and California forward together. A better tomorrow begins with Carlos as your representative in Sacramento. Carlos is with you, and he will FIGHT for you, and he will WIN for YOU.